ARE YOU AN EVERYTHING OUT? Learn Your Organizing Style Series Space #1

Do you prefer to have everything out where you can see it all? If so, you’re an Everything Out.

People who are Everything Outs live by the motto: Out of Sight, Out of Mind. They “put it here for now” and work best when everything they need is right out in the open. Does this sound like you?

Want to be sure? Take this Quiz:

As you answer Never (N), Occasionally (O) or Frequently (F), rate yourself according to the following scale.

Never 0 points    Occasionally 1 point      Frequently 2 points__N__O_  F           


1-      Do you prefer having things out where you can see them?                                                   

2-      Do you jot down notes on whatever piece of paper catches your eye?

3-      Do you feel it’s a waste of time to put things away in drawers or closets if you will be using them again?

4-      Do you believe that out of sight is out of mind?

5-      Do you surround yourself with pictures, inspirational thoughts, children’s drawings, etc.?

6-      When working on a project do you prefer to spread out everything you might need and leave it all there until you’re finished?

7-      Do you forget about things that you put away?

8-      Do you see piles as evidence you’re working hard?

9-      When filing papers, do you worry that you may never see them again?

10-   Do you like things to stare you in the face so you’ll be reminded of what you have to do?



0-6 points           You’re not really an Everything Out.

7-13 points         You have strong Everything Out tendencies.

14-20 points       You’re a full-fledged Everything Out.



1-      You like seeing jobs that must be done staring you in the face.

2-      You ‘re living through a time of pressure or rush.

3-      You have no real space to put things away.



Everything Outs like to leave things out where (hopefully) they can get their hands on them again quickly. However, when too many things are left out, it may become impossible to find anything. 

Now I have offered you a basic outline of this organizing style but if it resonates with you and you want to learn strategies and ways to make this organizing tendency to work for you can find it all in the book:



We all fit into at least one (if not more) categories, and I would love to hear your thoughts as you read through the series.


The 3 A’s for a Great Closet Makeover!


ARE YOU A CLIFF HANGER? Learn Your Organizing Style Series Time #5