Tracey Shadley Tracey Shadley

Fake It Till You Make It

You know that old saying “You can’t always get what you want”? We all have an image of what our dream closet should look like. What’s yours?

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Tracey Shadley Tracey Shadley

Marie or Messie, Kondo or Condo?

Believe it or not, I have JUST read Marie Kondo’s book The Life – Changing Magic of Tidying Up (The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing). I know that as an organizer I should be ashamed of myself (LOL) but I never felt I could get on her band wagon. I still feel the same way.

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Tracey Shadley Tracey Shadley

The 3 A’s for a Great Closet Makeover!

I hope I have given you some easy tips and tricks so far! Normally you would follow steps 1-2-3 OR A-B-C but in my experience, you need to follow the 3 A'S for a great closet makeover:

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