Marie or Messie, Kondo or Condo?
Believe it or not, I have JUST read Marie Kondo’s book The Life – Changing Magic of Tidying Up (The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing). I know that as an organizer I should be ashamed of myself (LOL) but I never felt I could get on her band wagon. I still feel the same way.
I want to be clear that I have great respect for Marie Kondo! I think she’s done a fabulous job creating her niche and more power to her. I just think her system really won’t work for everyone. It wouldn’t work for me that’s for sure.
WHY? You may ask.
While I read, I felt that there was a level of perfection I was expected to strive for…and I have learned that perfection does not exist.
Even more importantly, I felt condescended to and frankly a little insulted at times. I don’t live a glamorous life. I LOVE my lounge wear and didn’t appreciate being told that a favorite t-shirt would be better off in the trash than being “downgraded to loungewear” which is “taboo”. I also didn’t appreciate being told that “If you are a woman, try wearing something elegant as nightwear. The worst thing you can do is wear a sloppy sweat suit.”
WHAT IF MY SWEAT SUIT SPARKS JOY? Don’t get me started on the does it “spark joy” thing…
And the t-shirt that I decide to throw in the trash or donate…I’m supposed to “Make (a) parting ceremony and launch them on a new journey”? WHO HAS THE TIME?
That is just my opinion. I’m not here to criticize Marie or the book (perhaps there’s a cultural difference at work). I’m here to offer the people who love the concept, but may not attach to the delivery, another book option.
When I was on Amazon buying Marie’s book, this one popped up: Tidy the F*ck Up (The American art of Organizing Your Sh*t) by Messie Condo.
Yes, the book is clearly a parody and I loved every page of it.
It has all the same concepts (Sort, Discard, Put away. Don’t do it all at once) but delivered in a simple and humorous way.
This book states that “the only right way to organize your sh*t, is just to start organizing your sh*t.” There’s no feeling bad about yourself reading this book. It’s all about HELL YEAH I can do that!
Don’t know if something “sparks joy” how about thinking of filling your house with things “you love and use”. That takes the pressure off a little doesn’t it?
Here’s an example of a chart used in the book:
Simple right?
I could be here all day quoting the phrases that made me laugh and want to dig into my stuff again…but I will let you read it for yourself.
My favorite part of the book? It told me clearly that I’m entitled to my sweatpants.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.