Tracey Shadley, Owner of Organize A-Z

Helping people organize and custom design their cluttered, uninspired spaces for three decades.

Tracey Shadley, owner of Organize A-Z, has been helping people organize their spaces for 30 years! Tracey is a professional closet designer (a background with California Closets) and specializes in creating custom storage solutions for any space. She listens carefully to what you want, need, expect and dream of and creates a customized solution as unique as you are. Tracey’s goal is to create systems to help you live a more productive, effective and peaceful lifestyle. 


Tracey's Story

I can’t remember the exact time that I knew I was going to start my own business but I do know that I became unhappy and dissatisfied with my life and my job and I lived that way for quite awhile. I was working for California Closets in Montreal for almost 20 years. I was their top producer and I was making them a lot of money…but it was never enough. This is all I knew. I had nowhere to go. 

I was burnt out and miserable and starting to slack in my job. I decided I needed some “me time” and ended up in Sedona to do a yoga teacher training. I FELL IN LOVE! The place felt like home. The people felt like family and the lifestyle resonated with me. I went back and forth to Sedona for a year and decided that this was where I was meant to be and I would do whatever it took to get there. When I make up my mind to do something…I get it done!

I went to see a lawyer to see what it would take to get a visa, start a business and create the life I wanted! I rented out my house, moved in with my sister and spent 9 months saving the money it took, writing the business plan it required and praying with all my might that it was all good enough! AND IT WAS! I got a five year visa and the opportunity for a new life with my own business.

I knew with my expertise that I could deliver amazing designs, planning and top notch service very affordably and truly help people. I deliver results, professional designs and a quality product without the markups of the large franchises! I pass these savings on directly to clients, and because of this, everyone wins!


How do we get started?

We will typically be able to schedule an initial meeting with you within 2 weeks.

How did you get started in your business?

Tracey Shadley was the Lead Designer for the Montreal Franchise of California Closets for almost 20 years before she moved to Arizona. When she moved to Arizona she recreated this business using local contractors.

Who are your clients exactly?

We have a variety of clients! Our ideal clients are moving into new homes or creating their dream home. The one thing that all our clients have in common is that they want the help of an expert to get things done well and properly! Someone who can guide them in their decision making and support them throughout their project.

What results have your past clients had?

The best way to answer this question is to direct you to the testimonials written from our past client themselves.

Click HERE to read testimonials.

Do you customize your services and products?

ABSOLUTELY that is our service! Everyone is unique and we work with you to find the best solutions for your particular situation!

What makes you think you can help me when I can’t seem to do it on my own?

When it comes to organizing and closet design we have more experience than most people! Our 30 years of knowledge allows you access to the best design tools and tips and tricks to meet your needs.

Are you affiliated with any professional group or associations?

Yes, Tracey is a member of NAPO which is the National Association of Professional Organizers. What that means is that we have access to chats, new products and leaders in the industry.

What do I need to do to prepare for our appointments?

Preparing for our appointments is a fun process! All we ask is that you think about what your desired outcome is. That is what we aim to achieve every time. It may take more than one meeting to get there, but when we share your desired outcome we have a common goal to reach.

If I want to re-do my closet do I need to buy new stuff?

Usually when we are called in to redo a closet it is because the existing structure or units are not working for you. In these cases we would start from scratch. However, in the past we have just added drawers and doors to existing units or have redone one wall instead of the whole space. We discuss all of the options at our first meeting.

Are your closet systems adjustable? What if I want to make changes in the future?

YES, the closet systems are fully and easily adjustable. You will be able to move shelves and rods on your own and we will show you how to do it! If you want to add drawers or doors, we are just a phone call away!

Are any contracts involved?

The closet/storage orders do require a contract.

Do you accept credit cards?

Checks are preferred but we can accept credit cards through Square or PayPal.

I’m not sure I am ready to get started. How can I sample your work to see if it’s the right solution for me? CLICK HERE TO SEE MY WORK

Okay, I am ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions May I contact you?.

Yes, please feel free to call between the hours of 9:00-5:00 or send me an e-mail to

Is there a way I can see what my new space will look like before I commit?

Yes of course! We build your closet following our signature 4D approach DESIGN, DEVELOP, DEPOSIT, DELIVERY which looks like this:

  • Measure your closet and do a wardrobe analysis

  • Discuss your likes, dislikes, needs and desires

  • Show you finishes and color choices

  • Give you a very close estimate for the project


  1. We require a $250 design fee which will be applied to the final contract

  2. We will create and send you 2D and 3D renderings of your closet

  3. We will work on these plans until they are exactly what you envision for your space

  4. When plans are finalized, we require a 50% deposit to move forward and schedule an installation date.

  5. Our team will install your units within about 6-8 weeks from your order date

  6. You will no longer be frustrated!