ARE YOU A FENCE-SITTER? Learn Your Organizing Style Series Time #4
When faced with several choices do you have trouble making up your mind? If so, you’re a Fence-Sitter.
If you often bounce between “Should I” or “Shouldn’t I” chances are good that you seldom accomplish all the things, you want to do. Fence-Sitters often waste their time and energy waiting for every option and objection. As ideas and choices run through their minds, they become so overwhelmed that they don’t know where to begin.
Want to be sure? Take this Quiz:
As you answer Never (N), Occasionally (O) or Frequently (F), rate yourself according to the following scale.
Never 0 points Occasionally 1 point Frequently 2 points_N__O_ F
1- Do you have trouble making decisions?
2- Do you put off making decisions?
3- Do you pressure yourself to make the “perfect” choice?
4- Do you have difficulty ranking your priorities?
5- Do you worry about not having enough information to make a decision?
6- Do you give yourself too many alternatives to choose from?
7- Do you hold back on decisions because of the risks involved?
8- Do you worry about whether you made the right decision?
9- Do you take so long to make a decision that you miss some favorable outcomes?
10- Do you let others make important decisions involving you?
0-6 points You’re not really a Hopper.
7-13 points You have strong Hopper tendencies.
14-20 points You’re a full-fledged Hopper.
1- You don’t know what you really want.
2- You’re afraid to make the wrong choice.
3- You don’t know how to start moving.
4- You’re afraid of the unknown.
Sometimes we all feel uncertain about making a decision and when this happens even people who are not Fence-Sitters will adopt this style.
1- You’re not sure that you have enough information.
2- You have too many alternatives to choose from
Fence-Sitters worry too much about the small decisions and can become paralyzed by large ones. Often they don’t know what they really want, and even when they do, they’re not sure how to go about getting it.
Now I have offered you a basic outline of this organizing style but if it resonates with you and you want to learn strategies and ways to make this organizing tendency to work for you can find it all in the book:
We all fit into at least one (if not more) category, and I would love to hear your thoughts as you read through the series.