ARE YOU A PERFECTIONIST-PLUS? Learn Your Organizing Style Series Time #2

Do you seem to lack the time to do all the things you want to do, as well as you think they should be done? If so, you’re a Perfectionist-Plus.

Do you have a difficult time acknowledging that your compulsively high standards are unrealistic and that doing everything perfectly isn’t necessary for every task?

Want to be sure? Take this Quiz:

As you answer Never (N), Occasionally (O) or Frequently (F), rate yourself according to the following scale.

Never 0 points     Occasionally 1 point          Frequently 2 points


1-      Few things bother me more than working with a person who is disorganized.

2-      I rewrite letters and reports numerous times to get them just right.

3-      I get so involved with details; I often don’t get projects done on time.

4-      When making a presentation, I feel it’s essential to mention every detail to support a point.

5-      I feel frustrated when I don’t get to every item on my To Do List.

6-      I rarely skim when I read because I don’t want to overlook any critical details or nuances.

7-      After completing a job, I’m seldom really satisfied with the results.

8-      I work a lot of overtime to complete things I can’t accomplish during normal work hours.

9-      I become upset when people don’t maintain a schedule we establish.

10-   When I assign work to someone, I like to map out my expectations and specify frequent checkpoints so I can be sure the person is handling the assignment the way I would.



0-6 points           You’re not really a Perfectionist-Plus.

7-13 points         You have strong Perfectionist-Plus tendencies.

14-20 points       You’re a full-fledged Perfectionist-Plus.



1-      You have a hard time distinguishing between high standards and superhuman expectations.

2-      You’re trying to please someone from your past.

3-      You believe you should be able to do everything yourself and do it all well.




At certain times everyone is more likely to adopt a Perfectionist-Plus style when they’re nervous about the outcome of a project.


If you’re a Perfectionist-Plus you have difficulty acknowledging that your high expectations of yourself may be unrealistic or unnecessary. You may never accept that all of your standards should be lowered, you can learn to identify the ones that deserve your utmost effort.

Now I have offered you a basic outline of this organizing style but if it resonates with you and you want to learn strategies and ways to make this organizing tendency to work for you can find it all in the book:



At certain times everyone is likely to adopt a Perfectionist-Plus style, such as when you’re nervous or anxious about the outcome of a project. I would love to hear your thoughts as you read through the series.


ARE YOU AN ALLERGIC TO DETAIL? Learn Your Organizing Style Series Time #3


ARE YOU A HOPPER? Learn Your Organizing Style Series Time #1